
Sandra De Bruyker

Sandra graduated with a Master’s degree in Law from the University of Antwerp in 1997. In 1998, she also received Master’s degrees in Business Law and Tax Law. Before joining AIRINC in 2007, Sandra gained significant experience as a Tax and HR specialist. She also worked at PricewaterhouseCoopers where she was responsible for advising and assisting international clientele with respect to international mobility and setting up and implementing international employment structures. Fluent in Dutch and French, Sandra has worked for AIRINC since 2007. In her role as Associate Director Client Engagement at AIRINC, Sandra works with clients from various industry groups with respect to expatriate compensation.

According to our 2023 Commuter Benchmark Survey, nearly one-third of companies still require full-time commuting...
I typically write a blog about a specific topic. This time I am not...
Imagine…As a Global Mobility Expert, you get asked by the business to give more flexibility to determine the ideal...
What can you do about inflation? High inflation is affecting us all. Many companies are raising concerns and are asking...
Another member of the family? As a mobility specialist, you get all sorts of questions from assignees before starting...
How do you set hardship allowances? The ideal mobility policy aligns with the company’s strategy and meets the...
The same benefit twice? No one wants to double count unless it is in their favor. Global Mobility faces this challenge...
More than ever, it is important to keep your assignees happy. They have all been affected by COVID-19: some had to...