In today’s interconnected world, Global Mobility is a cornerstone of any successful business. The range and scope of international mobility is constantly expanding. Whether it’s deploying talent across borders for project assignments, establishing international offices, transferring employees for career advancement, or supporting remote or virtual assignments, organizations are increasingly reliant on Global Mobility to drive growth and innovation.

That’s all well and good, but in all the strategy it is easy to forget that the success and reputation of Mobility programs hinge on employees having a great experience. Whatever their type of international mobility, a positive employee experience in Global Mobility is essential for fostering engagement, productivity, and—ultimately—retention.


Assignee experience has long been in the spotlight for Mobility programs, but the definition of a good experience varies widely. When something as ephemeral as experience is being considered, it is hard to put your finger on what exactly makes it ‘great.’ After thorough analysis, we have identified nine essential focus areas that are instrumental in crafting a positive assignee experience. In the next in this series, let's delve into the final three focus areas that are essential in crafting a positive assignee experience. For a recap, feel free to revisit blogs one and two for more insights.

Self Service

In a world of AI, chatbots, self-service technology, and a generation of tech-native employees entering the workforce, it feels like self-service solutions are becoming ubiquitous.


Providing self-service options during relocation or while on assignment empowers employees to access resources independently, at their convenience. It involves offering user-friendly platforms and digital tools for accessing information, submitting requests, and tracking progress. It can also be reflected in the provision of cash allowances or lump sums which empower assignees to self-serve based on their priorities and needs. By promoting autonomy and efficiency in the relocation process, organizations enhance employee satisfaction and streamline administrative tasks.


Some people love it. Some people hate it. A good experience depends on offering a range of service options that cater to different preferences.


The biggest single cause of failed international deployments is the inability of the employee’s family to settle into the new location.


Recognizing the impact of relocation on employees' families and offering support tailored to their needs is paramount to a good assignment experience. It involves providing resources, assistance, and community connections to partners and children. With increasingly diverse family situations, the support offered needs to be adaptable and relevant, whatever the assignee’s family unit looks like. By addressing family concerns and facilitating integration into the new environment, organizations demonstrate their commitment to employee well-being and encourage a supportive and inclusive culture.

Flexible Choice

My needs and preferences are different from yours. Rigid Mobility programs that fail to recognize this also risk wasting resources on support or services that are not valued—with the double whammy of failing to offer things that would be truly appreciated.


Offering flexible choices in the Mobility program empowers employees to personalize their relocation experience based on individual preferences and circumstances. Some companies offer limited flexibility around a few policy items; others place flexibility at the heart of the Mobility program. Whatever the approach, by catering to diverse needs and accommodating individual preferences, organizations give a better experience and enhance employee satisfaction.


Having covered the nine essential focus areas, our next step is to explore how global mobility leaders rank these key areas. Don't miss out on staying informed about the latest trends in Global Mobility - subscribe now!


Employee Experience Paper


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