In today’s interconnected world, Global Mobility is a cornerstone of any successful business. The range and scope of international mobility is constantly expanding. Whether it’s deploying talent across borders for project assignments, establishing international offices, transferring employees for career advancement, or supporting remote or virtual assignments, organizations are increasingly reliant on Global Mobility to drive growth and innovation.

That’s all well and good, but in all the strategy it is easy to forget that the success and reputation of Mobility programs hinge on employees having a great experience. Whatever their type of international mobility, a positive employee experience in Global Mobility is essential for fostering engagement, productivity, and—ultimately—retention.


Assignee experience has long been in the spotlight for Mobility programs, but the definition of a good experience varies widely. When something as ephemeral as experience is being considered, it is hard to put your finger on what exactly makes it ‘great.’ After thorough analysis, we have identified nine essential focus areas that are instrumental in crafting a positive assignee experience. Keep an eye out for our upcoming blog posts where we will explore each of these critical components in depth. Let's kick things off with the first three.

Career Plan

Mobile employees are generally top talent and future leaders. The investment in them compared to other employees can be enormous, so it is critical that the employee understands their goals for a successful assignment/transfer and how the opportunity fits in with their career plan.


Engagement goes through the roof when employees understand how an opportunity supports their long-term goals. Articulating clear career pathways and objectives is crucial for aligning international assignments with employees’ long-term aspirations. Organizations should engage employees in meaningful discussions regarding their career objectives and how the global opportunity contributes to their professional development. We have found that best-in-class companies encourage genuine open dialogue and offer tailored career support. Employees perceive international assignments as integral steps in their career progression, enhancing motivation and engagement.

Right Package

As policy options proliferate, there is more opportunity for the business to play with the employee’s package. However, the quickest way to dissatisfaction is by making the assignee feel they have been treated unfairly and their having to negotiate to get what they need.


The ‘right’ package is not the richest package. It’s the package that is most appropriate for the employee’s situation (career stage, family situation, succession plan, etc.). It's imperative to tailor compensation, benefits, and allowances to meet the unique needs and circumstances of each employee. By adopting appropriate packages that match the individual’s needs, organizations can ensure that employees feel fairly valued and supported, eliminating the need for negotiation.

Clear Communications

Moving internationally is a highly stressful time for the employee and their family. It is also highly complex, time-sensitive, and sometimes downright confusing! Too often things go on in the background or assumptions are made that leave employees and their families in the dark.


Transparent and timely communication is paramount in alleviating the anxieties associated with relocation. It entails keeping employees informed at every stage of the relocation process from initial planning to post-arrival support, and providing clarity on procedures, timelines, and available resources. We all know the theory: effective communication fosters trust, minimizes uncertainty, and empowers employees to navigate challenges confidently. But so many companies struggle with this! In a recent discussion in AIRINC’s European Strategic Leaders Roundtable, it was summed up nicely in one participant’s comment:


"It is not so much the ‘what’ we provide, as the ‘how’ we provide it, that determines a great employee experience”


Providing comprehensive information can instill confidence and trust, create a sense of belonging, and strengthen the employee’s commitment to the company's objectives.


Don't miss out on the next blog post in this series to uncover more ways to enhance employees' experiences. Subscribe now to stay updated!


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Why not register for our upcoming webinar?

Webinar: Key Focus Areas for Prioritizing the Employee Experience

Session 1: July 9 at 10:00 AM Boston / 3:00 PM London

Session 2: July 25 at 10:00 AM Hong Kong



Join us in this webinar as we discuss the latest trends in employee experience and discover what the benchmark says in terms of where the priorities are.


In session one, you'll hear from the dynamic duo of presenters, Mike Wincott and Claire Fielding. And in session two, the spotlight will shine on Jason Tang and Lynette Lawrence. Join us for an insightful discussion on employee experience with these expert speakers.


Employee Experience Webinar: Register Now!


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