Lump Sum Calculator

Flexibility is a crucial component of modern Mobility programs. In fact, AIRINC’s 2024 Mobility Outlook survey found...
Lump sums – love them or hate them! Either way, they have their place in domestic mobility. Lump sums aren't for...
Weston, you have worked at AIRINC for over 11 years, how has role changed over the years? Over the past 11 years my...
A large automotive company needed to simplify their program administration by enabling their partners to access their...
When you are relocating domestically what is the best solution for your company: full-service relocation, lump sum...
Our 2022 Mobility Outlook Survey showed that international one-way transfers are one of the fastest growing policy...
As autumn sets in and the days get shorter, the thoughts of many assignees turn towards their plans for the holiday...
At the recent Expat Academy APAC Huddle event, a participant raised an interesting question on the use of lump sums and...