We are grateful to all who took part in our recent benchmark surveys on One-Way Transfers and Host-Plus Assignments. We are excited to share a comprehensive highlights document for you to download, as well as an upcoming webinar where we'll delve into the survey results.

Host-Plus Assignments

For this survey, host-plus is defined as a temporary, host-salary-based assignment. Additional “plus” allowances may be provided for elements such as housing, children’s education, home leave, etc.

Often viewed as less expensive and administratively simpler than a home-based assignment, host-plus assignments are appealing to organizations that are seeking to address skill gaps and build talent capability in local markets while achieving more equity with host location peers. Typically, host-plus assignments offer some level of on-going support but are less rich than a home-based, balance sheet policy. Download the highlights!

One-Way Transfers

On the spectrum of host-based mobility, one-way transfers are one of the most widely used approaches. While 84% of companies view these as true one-way international moves, with no expectation for the employee to return to their original location, one-way transfers are also increasingly used as a cost-effective alternative to temporary assignments or as an option for employee-initiated mobility, even if the move is not ultimately permanent. Download now!


Download the highlights to learn why one-way transfers and host-plus assignments are being leveraged, as well as the key markers of these approaches, including:

  • Determining compensation and benefits for one-way transfers and host-plus assignments

  • Relocation support for the move to the new location

  • On-going assistance in the destination location

Webinar: Top Trends in One-Way Transfers and Host-Plus Assignments

  • Session 1: Sept 24 - 10:00 AM Boston / 3:00 PM London REGISTER

  • Session 2*: Sept 26 - 10:00 AM Hong Kong REGISTER

*Session 2 compares the results for APAC against the global results


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