There is a strong movement to promote DE&I within and throughout mobility. With a more diverse mobility program, we can more powerfully and deeply realize the promise that “Global Mobility empowers an organization’s global talent strategy.”

Mobility alone can only do so much to promote a more diverse mobility program. To have maximum impact, mobility needs to work together with the DE&I and talent functions to ensure mobile opportunities are more accessible. 

Key steps you can take are:

  • Define success for a DE&I focused program. It is with a definition in place that you can take the necessary steps to achieve goals and to track and report on your efforts.
  • Ensure mobile opportunities are open to all. Post mobile opportunities openly, make it easier to opt into an assignment or transfer.
  • Adopt an adaptability fund that can assist individuals (or smaller geographies or business units) who need extra support to make a mobile opportunity a reality
  • Set up a regular cadence between mobility, DE&I, and talent teams. Ideate continuously to ensure goals are being met.  

It takes focused effort to infuse the DE&I agenda into mobility. Increasing participation in the program is integral to a function whose role it is to deploy talent globally.

My colleague, Mike Wincott, shared his thoughts on this same topic in his paper, Revolutionize Your Mobility Program



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