Come and hear Morgan Crosby and Jordan Blue speak at the 2022 WorldatWork Annual Conference & Exhibition about how the pandemic has caused the workforce to assess where they live and where they work, prompting them to select locations where they prefer to live. 

As a result of this shift, we believe that compensation professionals will need to group the labor market in to the four categories of:

  • locally focused roles,
  • professional roles,
  • national roles and
  • global roles. 

Additional sources of information will be required to set pay levels, as the cost of labor data alone will no longer be sufficient for determining compensation for the long-term. Join us to prepare for these changes.

Make sure that you register for the conference where, in addition to hearing our session, you'll get to network with peers, meet solution providers, learn about innovative practices and hone your technical and soft skills in an engaging and supportive environment. 

We hope to see you there!

Contact Morgan Crosby

world at work overall