I recently turned 50 - gasp! How did I get so old?! I prefer not to show my age -- but I can’t help myself as I have to use a Sony Betamax analogy (hence the full disclosure on my age up front). 

Way back, Sony made a brilliant and technologically superior way to watch movies at home called the Betamax. But they would only allow the use of this technology via their own Sony machines. If you wanted to use the Betamax, you had to use a Sony machine to do it and watch Betamax-formatted tapes.

Enter the VHS (Video Home System): it offered a similar way to watch movies, but it could be universally leveraged by any manufacturer. The VHS machine became widely available, as did VHS tapes for rent. The rest is history: VHS became the dominant way to watch movies in the 80s and 90s… and Betamax lost out.  

Why do I recall this arcane method of watching movies? Because it offers an excellent lesson learned. Don’t be selfish with your technology. When technology is universally available it is more likely to be used and to meet customer needs.

What does this have to do with Global Mobility?

Technology greatly enhances a Global Mobility program. Beyond efficiency, it offers insights and enhanced decision-making opportunities. AIRINC believes that technology should be universally available and has built its AIRLinc platform to work everywhere. Our technology has been designed to be used directly by corporates or to enhance the offerings of other providers. In fact, you may be using AIRINC technology and not even know it!

Through our investments in our AIRLinc platform, APIs, SSOs, and white labeling, we have been able to enhance our own -- as well as our partners’ -- ability to offer top quality technology to the Global Mobility industry. We want it to be easy for anyone to use our data or technology anywhere!

What are some of the ways this can help you?

  • Automatic feeds of our data tables into your Global Mobility technology platform via API. This saves time and reduces errors by eliminating the need to manually load data.
  • Directly access the AIRLinc platform to manage your balance sheets, run cost estimates, and calculate net-to-nets, all in a highly configurable environment. This marries data and technology in a one-stop shop.
  • Leverage AIRINC cost estimates via an RMC, Tax Provider, or DSP. Many providers have partnered with AIRINC to gain access to high quality cost estimates. You can stay in your provider’s technology environment, thereby reducing technology access points.
  • Access AIRINC data, tax engines and more through your provider’s technology. The AIRLinc platform sits behind other systems, enhancing your provider’s ability to offer additional solutions directly to you.

As the technology landscape continues to evolve, AIRINC wants to meet you where you are. To do that, we are working hard to make our technology available where it is convenient to you. Contact us today to learn more about how we can use technology to enhance your program or offerings.


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