The Hong Kong Team are Going Green!

Last year, we set up a ‘green team’ at AIRINC to promote sustainable business practices within our organization. AIRINC cares about the global community we operate in and accepts our corporate responsibility to address both global and local community needs. We are committed to social, environmental, and economic sustainability. We drive action internally and externally to ensure we preserve the ability for future generations to live and thrive.

To fulfill the goals determined by the Green Team, our Hong Kong office undertook some ‘green actions’ internally and externally this year.

Internally, the Hong Kong office set up green office guidelines to raise our staff awareness on waste management, green procurement of goods and services and energy saving. We encouraged our staff to join the sustainability development in the office by contributing ideas for waste management, green procurement and energy saving in their living style.


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Externally, we signed the Energy Saving Charter 2022 which was launched by the HK government. It promotes energy efficiency in businesses to reduce carbon emissions. We supported the charter using the approach below in our office. We welcome everyone to join us!

  • to maintain an average indoor temperature between 24-26°C during the summer months of June to September in 2022
  • to switch off electrical appliances and systems when not in use and procure energy efficient appliances (such as Grade 1 energy labels) and systems from June 2022 to May 2023;
  • to engage staff to adopt the above energy saving practices together

We are listed in the Hong Kong Energy Saving Charter website. We also received a reference from the Electrical Mechanical Services Department (EMSD). It represented that we support the HK Government’s energy saving charter 2022.


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To preserve our future, the Hong Kong office will continue to promote more green sustainable processes and procedures.

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