
One-way moves: live benchmarking review, and preview of upcoming webinars

Written by Rob Zeitz | May 17, 2022 @ 09:42 PM

There is more than one way to implement “one-way” moves.

That’s what the results of a live benchmarking session at the FEM Americas Summit in May 2022 showed, with AIRINC’s Jessica Caligan and Jill Penman curating the review. AIRINC will also be hosting live benchmarking webinars focusing on “one-way” moves on May 18th, and May 24th.

At the FEM Americas Summit, the mobility professionals in attendance kicked off the benchmark by crowdsourcing a word cloud with the terms their organization uses for one-way moves. There were more than a dozen different names submitted, foreshadowing how much variety there can be in this area.

The group then reviewed a set of “one-way” scenarios and shared their answers for how their company would base an employee’s pay in different situations, when transition payments might be considered, and how they would likely handle transfers into high-cost locations.

The diversity of responses, as well as the comments and questions offered by the participants, confirmed that there is more than one way to conduct one-way moves, but each company can determine the right way for them based on their circumstances, talent, and location.

Why not register for our next event?


One Way(s): Leveraging “Permanent Moves”
to Attract and Retain

Session One: 18 May 2022: 09:00 AM Boston / 3:00 PM Brussels
Session Two: 18 May 2022: 12:00 PM San Francisco / 3:00 PM Boston

Session Three: 24 May 2022: 10:00 AM Hong Kong



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