
Arriving in a new country is disorientating - how can Global Mobility teams help?

Written by Mike Wincott | Jul 17, 2024 @ 05:55 PM

In today’s interconnected world, Global Mobility is a cornerstone of any successful business. The range and scope of international mobility is constantly expanding. Whether it’s deploying talent across borders for project assignments, establishing international offices, transferring employees for career advancement, or supporting remote or virtual assignments, organizations are increasingly reliant on Global Mobility to drive growth and innovation.

That’s all well and good, but in all the strategy it is easy to forget that the success and reputation of Mobility programs hinge on employees having a great experience. Whatever their type of international mobility, a positive employee experience in Global Mobility is essential for fostering engagement, productivity, and—ultimately—retention.


Assignee experience has long been in the spotlight for Mobility programs, but the definition of a good experience varies widely. When something as ephemeral as experience is being considered, it is hard to put your finger on what exactly makes it ‘great.’ After thorough analysis, we have identified nine essential focus areas that are instrumental in crafting a positive assignee experience. The initial blog post delved into the first three focus areas, and now we journey onward through our list. Stay tuned for more upcoming blogs.

Proper Preparation

Arriving in a new country is disorientating. Accepted norms and ways of interacting are different, bureaucracy is bewildering, and achieving the simplest of chores becomes a major enterprise!


Investing in proper preparation through cultural training and destination services is essential for mitigating the challenges associated with relocation. It involves equipping employees and their dependents with the knowledge, skills, and resources to navigate new environments effectively. By encouraging cultural awareness, language proficiency, and adaptability, organizations can help employees be better prepared. This reduces the risk of surprises, facilitates a smoother transition, and enhances overall employee satisfaction.

Excellent Vendor Support

Vendors are the face of your Mobility program. Vendor performance can make or break the employee’s experience as well as the reputation of your program.


Ensuring employees receive exceptional support from vendors is instrumental in facilitating a seamless relocation experience. It entails partnering with reliable vendors who prioritize customer service excellence and responsiveness. From relocation services to healthcare providers, it is important to find partners that become a true extension of your team and maintain rigorous
oversight to ensure employees receive the support they need, when they need it.

Single Point of Contact/Coordination

Relocating is a hectic and emotional time for the employee. You can greatly reduce their anxiety if the employee has a dedicated advisor—someone to turn to for questions and someone who proactively reaches out to help them through the process.


Designating a single point of contact for employees is easier said than done in the complex world of Mobility! Despite this, a single point of coordination can be valuable. They streamline communication and issue-resolution throughout the relocation process. It involves assigning a dedicated person to act with empathy, address questions, provide guidance, and resolve challenges promptly. Assignees will inevitably have to deal with multiple contacts from tax and immigration specialists to DSPs and shipping agents; yet, having access to a consistent
and accessible point of coordination who has a clear view of the overall assignment situation enhances employee satisfaction, reduces stress, and gives a sense of support and belonging.


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Webinar: Key Focus Areas for Prioritizing the Employee Experience
July 25 at 10:00 AM Hong Kong

Come to our webinar where we delve into the current trends in employee experience and explore the benchmark insights on priority areas. Join us for an in-depth exploration of the realm of employee experience, with Jason Tang and Lynette Lawrence leading the discussion.