
Zipping around Zurich – Do you need to fuel up?

Written by Aaron Leal | Jul 19, 2022 @ 09:22 PM
Switzerland is synonymous with mountains, lakes, and beautiful towns. When I was in Zurich to meet with housing sources, I was in awe of the natural beauty around me. However, there is another well-known aspect of Zurich that I became familiar with: the public transit system.

What is the Swiss Public Transit System?

The Swiss public transit system uses a combination of buses, trams, and trains, and it is known to be reliable, efficient, and expansive. Not many people get around by car in Zurich. One source told me that many expatriates moving to Zurich wonder how much a parking space costs. Gradually they come back to him and say that they figured out the transit system and now they only use their cars sparingly. In a time when the prices of fuel and automobile parts have increased immensely, using public transport is a way to soften the blow.

What housing is popular for expatriates?

When expats are looking for a home to rent, many factor in the proximity to a transit stop and may even prefer an apartment closer to the city center instead of a house further out in the suburbs. All types of housing are popular in Zurich, though not having to worry about car access for everything expands the options expats can choose from. One source said, “Once people realize they don’t have to pay for gas or deal with traffic, they take full advantage of public transport and are more flexible about which neighborhoods they want to live in.” In a very desirable place to live like Zurich, any flexibility in the home search increases options that make it easier for both the expat and real estate agent, which sources always appreciate.

I thought about all this information while looking at beautiful Lake Zurich and the Swiss Alps from the tram windows as I was riding back from my meeting. What an easy commute!

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