
New Ways for International One-Way Transfers: An Adviser to the Business

Written by Grace Kernohan | May 03, 2023 @ 04:47 PM

One-way moves used to be just for permanent transfers, but global mobility is finding creative ways to apply this policy approach to save costs, support remote work, and give employees the flexibility they want. In this blog series, we’re taking a deeper dive into one-way transfers, focusing how mobility can support the business. Please read on for the final installment of this series. 

As the facilitator of talent deployment, global mobility empowers organizations to move people with the right policy suite and recognizes both the common and unique circumstances in determining appropriate policies. Being an adviser to the business involves deciding when best to use one policy approach over another. Mobility can share its knowledge of when to use international one-way transfers and the best way to solve a variety of mobility needs.

The pandemic revealed more cases when one-way relocations can facilitate moves compliantly and efficiently. And by solving new problems with existing tools, mobility has shown off its strategic muscle. In the years to come, we’ll likely see mobility flex its policies in more creative ways. One thing is for sure: Mobility is prepared to continue being an adviser for years to come.

For the full article, originally published in the Issue 4 copy of Mobility Magazine, please click here.