
Mastering Global Assignee Pay Communication: A Proactive Approach

Written by Weston Hicks | Jul 24, 2024 @ 05:43 PM

Effective communication regarding changes in global assignee pay is key to delivering a positive experience. At AIRINC, we understand the importance of proactive communication and equip customers with technology that enables them to take a proactive approach.

Let us look at the following scenario to explore best practices for communicating and presenting changes to global assignee pay over time by ensuring clarity, transparency, and employee satisfaction. 

Your employee from Mexico is temporarily working in Santiago, Chile and has been receiving a cost-of-living allowance. The allowance is decreasing due to exchange rates: one month they receive an allowance, the next they will not.

1. Proactive Communication: A Foundation of Trust

Proactive communication is always the preferred approach when informing employees about changes in their assignee pay. Employees value additional context behind alterations, especially when changes to allowances do not follow their expectations given their perceptions of local inflation. Companies can foster understanding and trust by providing explanations and rationale behind such changes. 

In the scenario above, the team or manager could send a proactive communication to explain the decreased COLA, for example: 

When you see your next pay slip, you will notice that your cost-of-living allowance (COLA) has decreased to 0. This is due in part to the strengthening of the Mexican Peso against the Chilean Peso (you need less MXN to buy the same amount of CLP). Rest assured that your total spending in CLP is still intact. We have attached a more detailed report about these changes. 

2. Equipping Staff with Proactive Tools

To facilitate proactive communication, it is essential to provide staff with reports and information that enable them to stay ahead of changes in assignee pay. Quick access to summaries highlighting changes in allowances supports staff to focus their energy efficiently. Up-to-date summaries serve as invaluable tools for identifying changes that require immediate attention. Personalized reports, such as AIRINC’s Cost-of-Living Allowance (COLA) Change Reports, provide employees with the context and detail they seek, ultimately reducing inquiries and enhancing satisfaction. 

3. Adapted Reports for Seamless Communication

Aligning reports with your organization's terminology, branding, and formatting enhances the effectiveness of communication with managers and employees. By adapting standardized reports, you eliminate the need for manual file manipulation and streamline the dissemination of information. Managers and employees can easily comprehend and interpret reports, facilitating informed decision-making and clarity across the board. 

Standard compensation worksheet on the left and a sample company’s customized format on the right 

Experience Our Proactive Approach

Are you ready to revolutionize your approach to global assignee pay communication? Contact us today to discover how our proactive tools and tailored reports can elevate your communication strategy by ensuring transparency, trust, and employee satisfaction. 

At AIRINC, we are committed to empowering organizations with the resources they need to navigate global assignee pay changes effectively. Reach out to us today and embark on a journey toward seamless communication and improved employee experience.