
Leverage Dynamic Technology

Written by Morgan Crosby | Mar 28, 2023 @ 09:17 PM

With many audiences consuming mobility for a variety of talent deployment opportunities, there is great need to communicate effectively, help guide good decisions, and offer advice enterprise-wide. It would be great if global mobility functions were large enough to field all these needs, but the reality is that efficiency is necessary to meet today’s flexible demands.

In comes technology to save the day. Dynamic communication and decision-making tools (for example AIRINC’s AIMS) are emerging to help Talent Acquisition, employees and the business explore mobile opportunities. Through a series of inputs, the need for the mobile opportunity is selected, details about the employee are inputted, and the system uses policy guardrails to suggest a recommended approach for a particular mobile need.

Using consistent logic-based recommendations, technology can support flexible programs and communicate them in an efficient accessible way.

My colleague, Mike Wincott, shared his thoughts on this same topic in his paper, Revolutionize Your Mobility Program. Download the paper for a brief case study of a client who embedded AIRINC’s AIMS solution into their technology, improving transparency, efficiency, and engagement.