
ESG in Global Mobility - Part 1: Policy Top Tips

Written by Mike Wincott | Jun 13, 2023 @ 08:58 PM


ESG in Global Mobility - Part 1: Policy Top Tips

ESG is firmly in the global mobility spotlight. Across all three pillars, mobility has a role to play. From reducing environmental impact, to positive social action and effective governance, there are a million and one things that Global Mobility could do to support the ESG agenda. With so much to focus on, it is easy to get bogged down in one area to the detriment of the rest. Taking a step back to look at the big picture and devising a plan of action can help to advance your ESG priorities across all three pillars. 

In this mini-series of blogs, we’re going to highlight some of our top tips for making your program sustainable across all three pillars, starting with how mobility policies can play their part.


Adapt mobility policies to offer sustainable support

Rewriting mobility policies to embed sustainability is a priority for many companies. Across the spectrum of typical policy support elements, there are opportunities to make adaptations that enhance the sustainability of the program. From pre-assignment visits to home-leave, from household goods shipment to furniture rental and utilities allowances, we are helping companies evaluate their policies and introduce options that deliver on company

sustainability objectives.


Adapt mobility policies to embed Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DE&I)

Companies are taking wide-ranging steps to offer international growth experience to employees with more diverse backgrounds. Mobility policies were traditionally written from the perspective of a male assignee with a nuclear family. Although a lot of progress has been made, there is still more to do to make policy language and the provisions on offer inclusive. Even a cursory review of policies can highlight language that is anchored in traditional stereotypes, so bringing the policy wording up to date should be a priority. But it doesn’t stop there. Policy provisions also need to reflect a diversity of needs. A simple step is to include a DE&I allowance in your policy. This can be used to support an assignee without triggering the need for exception approval and the stigma that creates. 

Transparent policies and processes with equitable practices

It often seems to be that the governance pillar is the poor relation of ESG, particularly in the world of Global Mobility. Good governance is fundamental to a sustainable business model and the good thing is that many mobility programs have been addressing governance, even if not explicitly under the ESG banner. A core aspect of governance is transparency and fairness. Global Mobility programs can do a lot to promote transparency, for example by publishing policies on intranet sites, having clear qualification criteria for different assignment types, or offering online decision guides that promote equitable practices. Opening up mobility can help significantly with employee engagement in the program, while improved communication can encourage employees, who would previously have deselected themselves, to explore international opportunities.

Getting the policy right can is a huge step forward in the drive to integrate ESG into Global Mobility.

For more ideas, read the full white paper here.