
Consulting through theoretical & practical: How ACE, Policy Configured, bridges AIRINC Advisory solutions

Written by Grace Kernohan | Jul 08, 2024 @ 04:01 PM

No two consulting projects at AIRINC look the same. Though there are commonalities between client challenges, such as developing a better assignee experience and building policy flexibility, we find that there are more factors, like company culture, team structure, and mobility purpose, that result in each consulting endeavor to look unique from any other. 

That said, there are common trends in consulting: we begin with the theoretical before moving onto the practical.

For example, once we’ve designed a policy structure, we then focus on what  benefits should be included and discuss how they should be delivered. Through time and experience, we’ve learned that building out a policy framework requires us to consider both the theory and application of the policy; if a client is striving for flexibility, but there’s unclear guidelines on how the flexibility is applied, then the end result solves nothing.

Considering policy administration during the policy design phase allows AIRINC, as consultants, to ensure that the finished product accomplishes everything the client needs: a clear solution that can be effectively administered to accomplish the goals of the mobility program.  

We recently had a project that resulted in a core/flex policy design.

As excited as we were for how this design would accomplish all that the program was trying to solve for, we understood that this solution would fail if we did not properly set up the client with the necessary tools to manage the program. Cost estimates were an especially big pain point for this client—they needed a solution that would allow them to predict costs while still being flexible in terms of package construction. Additionally, they didn’t want to build bespoke cost estimates for each assignee, as this would lead to user error.

We found that AIRINC’s ACE Policy Configuration tool was the best solution for this client. With ACE Policy Configuration, we built out packages for different scenarios of their core/flex program.

The client was able to go in, see the relevant package based on the employee profile, and have the basic cost estimate ready for them to run. They were able to see their own notes on each benefit, why it was included, and add in any other benefits if they needed. As we completed building out their program and benefits, both AIRINC and the client team were able to stay focused on the packages without worrying about any administrative burden, since we had already solved for that piece. 
This tool helps us consult better, as we know that we have solutions waiting in the wings to help our clients. While consulting, we often must focus on the problem at hand while still thinking three steps ahead. With ACE Policy Configuration, we’re able to do just that. 


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