
Winner of Best Partnership between a Corporate Organization and a Service Provider - Hewlett Packard Enterprise and AIRINC

Written by Michelle Curran | Jun 14, 2021 @ 05:09 PM

AIRINC is delighted to announce winning the FEM EMMA award in partnership with Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE).

“HPE and AIRINC clearly demonstrated examples of innovative solutions that impact talent strategy and employee experience underpinned by the use of technology…achieving long-term business impacts.”

How we are partnering with HPE:

Recent initiatives from our long-term partnership include:

- Developing a cloud-based interactive policy decision guide called “Making Good Mobility Decisions”. The guide allows users to input information about a mobility opportunity and receive a recommended policy approach and preliminary cost information.
- Building a video hosting platform to help the business and employees learn about the mobility process, what to expect, and how to be successful.
- Creating employee communications for a group move that showcased the economic benefits of a transfer.

How HPE views our partnership:

Kerwin Guillermo of HPE’s Global Employee Mobility and HPE lead for this partnership believes that the intangibles of the partnership with AIRINC are the post powerful. Specifically he states:

- We have clarity of the customer (both the business and the employee) – and we have always placed our customer at the center of everything we do
- Thought Leadership – the spirit that allows us to pursue the possible. Brainstorming, crowd-sourcing ideas, incubating ideas, concepts that we can design and operationalize. There is discipline and purpose in the way AIRINC has undertaken the journey with us. They don’t just throw research/white-papers to clients, they nurture us and find actionable applications for us to implement.
- Playing the right way – a core culture strength of AIRINC is their ability to work well with the broader ecosystem of supply chain partners. I do not ever under-estimate the impact of that as I have seen how other players do not embrace other partners, making it difficult for the corporate client to bring everything together. 
- Investing in the Long Term – I do not ever feel that our engagement with AIRINC is based on the transactions or SOW.  It has always the feel of investing in the journey for the longer term.

What are AIRINC’s views on working with HPE?

- Over the course of our partnership, HPE has always valued our input.
- They take action on innovative ideas, encouraging us to push the envelope - together we make ideas better!
- Our partnership is based 100% on honesty with one another – always!
- HPE trusts AIRINC and make us feel like part of the HPE team. It is clear how we can make an impact to their organization and while we continue to be invested in their success, they continue to be invested in ours!

Congratulations HPE and AIRINC, and all the EMMA winners!

Click here to view the complete list of winners.