
Webinar: Navigating Mobility's Evolution: Collaboratively Crafting a Mobility Mission

Written by Andrea Downing | Jan 19, 2024 @ 02:00 PM

The landscape of the Mobility function has undergone a seismic shift. In addition to traditional assignments and relocations, Global Mobility is also evolving into a dynamic realm focused on diverse use cases such as immigration only, remote work, return to work, employee-requested mobility, lower-cost mobility, and crisis-driven mobility.


Join us for our first webinar in 2024.

Webinar: Navigating Mobility's Evolution: Collaboratively Crafting a Mobility Mission

Session 1: February 1 - 10:00 AM Boston / 3:00 PM London

Session 2: February 20 - 10:00 AM Hong Kong


This evolving landscape has left us pondering where the true focus of Mobility lies and how it can add maximum value. Join us as we tackle these pressing questions and craft Mobility's ideal mission.

Together, let's redefine the purpose of Mobility and set a course for the future.