
Host-Plus vs. One-Way Transfers: Understanding the Differences and Choosing the Right Approach

Written by Grace Kernohan | Oct 01, 2024 @ 03:00 PM

When it comes to policy selection, choosing the right one out of all the policies within your suite can be daunting. When talking to Mobility leaders, we often hear similar reasons behind why they use host plus packages and one-way transfers, adding more confusion to the policy selection process. Both policy types serve different purposes, so understanding their nuances can help companies make informed decisions that best suit their mobility strategy.

What Are Host Plus Assignments?

Host Plus assignments are temporary moves where the employee is paid a salary based on the host location's market rate, but they also receive additional "plus" benefits such as housing, children's education, and home leave. As we discussed in our One-Way Transfers & Host Plus webinar, this approach is often used to fill skill gaps while maintaining some connection to the employees home country, such as keeping them on the home country’s social security scheme. This arrangement is ideal when there’s an expectation that the employee will eventually return to their home location. Download the highlights from the Host Plus survey here.

What Are One-Way Transfers?

In contrast, one-way transfers are typically seen as permanent moves with no expectation of return to the home country. According to AIRINC’s Policy & Practice Benchmark on International One-Way Transfers, 84% of companies consider these transfers genuinely one-way. Employees transition fully into the host country's compensation and benefits structure, making this a cost-effective solution, particularly for long-term global mobility needs.

When to Choose Each Approach?

Host Plus assignments work well when a company needs to temporarily transfer talent while maintaining ties to the home location, especially in cases where there are significant differences in wages or benefits between the home and host countries. They are popular for ensuring the transfer remains an attractive opportunity for employees while still being a cheaper alternative to home-based assignments.

One-way transfers, on the other hand, are ideal when a truly permanent relocation is required, or if the goal is to integrate the employee into the host location entirely. These transfers are increasingly used for employee-initiated moves and are often more suitable when companies want to support internal talent mobility in a cost-effective manner.

In summary, both host plus assignments and one-way transfers have their strengths, but the choice depends on the organization's goals, budget, and the need to maintain or sever ties with the employee's home country. Understanding the difference and aligning them with your mobility policies can lead to smoother and more successful mobility.

Curious about our benchmarks?

Read the highlights of our recent benchmark surveys here. If you are with a corporate company, please contact us to receive a copy of the full survey report.



Download the highlights to learn why one-way transfers and host-plus assignments are being leveraged, as well as the key markers of these approaches, including:

  • Determining compensation and benefits for one-way transfers and host-plus assignments

  • Relocation support for the move to the new location

  • On-going assistance in the destination location

Watch Again - Webinar: Top Trends in One-Way Transfers and Host-Plus Assignments

  • Session 1 Global Results REGISTER

  • Session 2: Compares APAC against the global results  REGISTER