Some countries have seen significant exchange rate fluctuations of 5% or greater in the past two months.
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Mobility Matters...


Currency Volatility


Have you updated your expats' cost-of-living allowance recently?

The following country combinations have had significant exchange rate fluctuations of 5% or greater in the past two months.

Currency Volatility Country Combos

It's important to monitor exchange rate volatility for all your assignees' country combinations and update their allowances accordingly. In the past two months, the above country routes have had significant exchange rate fluctuations of 5% or greater, a threshold AIRINC feels is significant enough to warrant cost-of-living allowance updates! If you have expatriates on these routes, we recommend you adjust their allowances as soon as possible.

Click here to get a better understanding of how exchange rates effect expatriates cost-of-living allowances.

Balance Sheet Manager

Click here to learn more about the AIRINC's Balance Sheet Manager tool that not only provides cost-of-living allowances for your expats, but also monitors exchange rate fluctuations and automatically updates these allowances online.

Already a Balance Sheet Manager user?

If you need cost-of-living allowance updates, please let us know or contact your AIRINC Account Representative.


Did you know...?


The Host Pay Calculator can highlight COLA and tax differences between locations at a point in time.

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The Program Cost Forecast Service can significantly reduce the time you spend on assignment accruals.
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The Airfare Database can significantly lower your spending on home leave.
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