
Automated Integration with AIRINC Data

Written by Laura Bayne | Feb 08, 2022 @ 10:05 PM

AIRINC believes we best serve our global mobility clients and partners by making it as easy as possible to consume our best-in-class mobility data and market-leading decision tools. Easy access could mean SSO authentication to our tools, system API integration for our data and logic, or simply easy to use data files for home-grown systems. We strive to automate and integrate as much as possible, but we support each client within their own technology context.

API integrations between data and technology systems will always be the most efficient solution, and AIRINC has been a leader in this space for a decade. We have made it our mission to help clients remove unnecessary manual steps to increase efficiency and decrease errors, and to proactively integrate our data and tools into the most popular assignment management platforms.

Our most recent API integration with AssignmentPro has added data and benchmarking to that platform making it easy for Equus clients to do things like:

  • calculate cost projections instantly using AIRINC data for typical assignment costs like temporary living, flights, housing, and 20+ other data points
  • quickly initiate assignments with AIRINC data populating COLA and housing allowances directly in the tool and assignment letters
  • access curated benchmarking insights

Our long-standing API integrations with Topia and MoveAssist support their clients running quick and accurate cost projections.

We continue to invest in our API offerings and would like to work with all global talent mobility platforms to support their clients and ours with efficient, fast, and market-leading data integrations.

Interested in becoming a data integration partner? Have a time-consuming or error-prone data loading process? Contact us to find out more.